City Hill Kids

Every Sunday, City Hill Kids offers classes for Nursery (Infant-Age 3), Preschool (Ages 3 & potty trained- Age 5), and Elementary (Kindergarten-6th Grade). In City Hill Kids, your children will worship, study God's word, pray, and have fun!

We encourage all children to bring their Bibles to church each Sunday and to memorize our monthly memory verses.  If they do, they receive City Hill Dollars to spend at our City Hill Kids Store on the last Sunday of every other month. 

At City Hill, your child’s safety is a priority. All volunteers go through an application process and are background checked before they can serve. Upon arrival at City Hill, you will be guided to check your child into our system. A sticker will be printed with their name, your phone number, and a code number. You will receive a sticker that we ask you to hold onto until the end of service. After service is over, you will take your sticker to pick up your child. One of the classroom leaders will cross reference the code on your sticker and your child’s sticker and release your child to you upon confirmation.


Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born  in one’s youth.  Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with  their opponents in court. 

Psalm 127: 3-5, NIV